Coming or going?

Back in Bearsted after a long morning in London. The train up was very busy owing to the cancellation of an earlier train. However, I was able to get a seat owing to most people getting off at the next station and another crowd getting on. People were standing most of the way to London, over an hour in some cases.

It was a long meeting as the software developers were showing the solution for the last time before we go for user testing next week. I think they still have a considerable amount of work to do before Monday to put right the growing list of defects.

The telecoms engineer came around to have a look at our broadband speeds and said in his view they were suprisingly good given our distance from the exchange and the age of the wire. He said we'd be better off trying fibre as although we will still be using copper for the last leg down the street into the house we wouldn't be going back to the exchange, only to the nearest fibre node. Sounded convincing anyway. So we'll probably give it a go. Fortunately the visit didn't cost us anything so there's a bonus.

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