Love is......

......showing youre Wife that you found a Heart shaped cheese savoury in the packet.....and posing (just the once) for a photo. (Wish I had checked the iso before taking my one and only shot!)

And Mr W got back to squash today for the first time since his finger injury (which can be seen here if you look closely). I don't think he has any excuse not to wash up anymore!

Went to work today, much child psychology required, then popped into see Daughter Number 2 where she worked. Ex husband walked past totally unexpectedly, said a sarcastic  'Good evening' even though it was 2.30pm, then walked off presumably to play squash himself. Its the first time I have seen him in years and despite a  slight loss of track in conversation with DN2, I managed the situation well and didnt allow too much hate adrenaline to rush round my body. I may well be nearly cured. Its only taken 6 years.

Home to a green smoothie and Spicey Lentil soup and nothing planned for the evening. Curtians closed, heating on, full tummy, husband by my side. What more can a girl want.......oh......chocolate!!!!!

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