
By FarmerGirl

One of our new chooks

It's cold outside.  We've had 12mls of rain this afternoon, and while it is very welcome, it has turned the temperature rather cool.  After yesterday's high, it is disappointing to be back into the 'pre-autumn' weather.

I ran outside to get a photo for today.  The chooks were by the fence, so there's my photo.  Getting them to stay still while I took the photo, was an issue, so after taking many photo's, I managed to get this one.  This is one of our new 'Brown Shaver' hens.  Initially their eggs were rather small, but now they are in the full swing of laying, their eggs are getting bigger.

For those interested, check out my entry in the 'thebigmoment' challenge for Valentines day.  Worth a laugh!

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