Day 3 of Daddy being away.

THERE'S A BUG ON THE FLOOR! This was actually our 2nd bug of the day, the first being a spider which randomly landed on my arm when I got up this morning.

We have had a looooooooooooong day today. Amelie came into bed early last night and she was roasting (no temp, just sleep warm...didn't help I was boiling too). I had great intentions to get out the flat and to the library for the morning before heading for a walk with her in the buggy so she would sleep. We didn't make it out before 1 and there were 2 tantrums before then. And she wouldn't sleep at all even though she clearly needed it!

A walk seemed to clear our heads though because by the time we got back we were both in a better frame of mind and we sat outside on the grass beside the flats (between our flats and the gates to get in/out. Quite a big unused space and much safer to play in that around the pond/Japanese garden we have in the middle). We headed up when Amelie decided she needed a snack and was bored of picking daisies/collecting stones/finding ants and she played quite nicely from then until dinner time. We ate our dinner together again, at her little table, and then had a bath together. I've put her in a vest and PJ bottoms tonight so she isn't so warm! I'm hoping the summer of roasting flat and no air has not started already. Might be time to get the fan out!

A bath time conversation -

"Mummy, you need to wash your hands. You've been touching ants"

"I've not been touching ants!"

"Mmm. You've been touching poo!"

"Well I did just change your nappy. But I can assure you I washed my hands"

"NO! You need to wash your hands mummy. You been touching poo. Horse poo"

I can honestly say that I was definitely not touching horse poo!

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