After our very dull and unexciting day yesterday (bar a run from me) I decided we would be up and away this morning.

And we were.

We walked to the frog pond where we unfortunately didn't see any frogs as the water is so disgusting. We did see one duck though. Then Amelie remembered there was a park nearby so we ventured there and had a play. This is Amelie on the other side of the see-saw to me. Obviously she is high in the air as she is super light....

We walked home for lunch, which was a carpet picnic. She loved it! Although I had to eat on the floor too, along with teddy who just kept stealing cheese sandwiches!

Despite walking all of the 2.5 miles I calculated we had gone, she refused to sleep. And was a little grumpy this afternoon when we had to stay in and wait for the tesco delivery. She soon perked up when it arrived though because that meant the snack cupboard had been replenished! Needless to say she didn't really want much of her fajita dinner (which we ate together at her tiny little table!)

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