Anderson Institute

A few showers first thing this morning but it cleared into a fine calm day.  There has been mist on the hills later and some light drizzle showers. 

Up early today and started work at 8am.  We had a conference on in the museum and I've been busy working with that all day.  There was also a talk in the museum in the afternoon for local tour guides, so been a fine busy day :)
Night off from everything tonight :)  Just some walkies with Sammy dog and then feet up for the whole night :) 

I was out for a walk at lunchtime and meet in with mam, she joined me on my walk too.  I went around the Knab and then along Twageos Road before heading along the Esplanade and back to work.  Passing my old high school along the way and don't miss the place.  I only went here for 5th year for highers and hated it, well loved making new friends :)  Shame the wooden cabins ruin the beauty of the Victorian building.  The Anderson Institute opened on 4th August 1862 and still in use today.  The school motto is Dö Weel and Persevere.  Taken at Twageos Road, Lerwick. 

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