Jarl Ritch

It'''s been a lovely sunny day but still fairly cold.  This evening has had a couple of showers, peerie bit snow too.  

It's been a steady day working in the museum and seemed to be plenty of folk about too.  We also had our preschool club on, Mootie Moose.  After work, I rushed home to get ready to head north to Unst for the night.  Popped along my sister Julie, she was out but the family were home and mam too.  The Uyeasound Up Helly Aa is on tonight but I don't have a ticket to attend, maybe another year :)  

Off we went this evening to see the Up Helly Aa procession.  A lovely calm night for the event.  180 guizers marching along the road and down to burn the galley they've built over the past year.  This is the main man for the evening, Jarl Christopher Ritch and his galley 'Colvadale' burning in the background.  Taken at East Road, Uyeasound, Unst.  

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