Looking Forward...

By Fiono


Today I learned something new about myself: I really don't like skiing.

I knew I had to give it a shot while living in the country known best for the sport so my roommate and I went to Davos for the day.

I found it terrifying. If I made the tiniest wrong move, I would start sliding away, usually backwards, gathering speed until I came to my senses and made means to stop - or crash into a fence, whatever came first. After a few hours of trying to get to grips with having skis strapped to my feet I decided it really wasn't for me. I'm pleased I tried it but I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon.

I spent the rest of the day getting my money's worth of cable car rides with my pass. Then my roommate made us fondue in the evening after a long day of "Skifahren". I can't exactly complain about the views though!

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