Lizellens Lot

By lizellen

Waiting for lunch

I have been housebound today so I am afraid it is another tui blip.

There was a lot of loud squawking going on in the tree today and when I looked out, these two chicks were dancing up and down on the edge of the feeder and the jar was empty. They barely moved out of my way to let me fill it again. (I actually thought to photograph them first this time.)

On the front tui chick, you can just see a yellowish patch under the beak near where it joins to the neck. That is the start of the white bobble of the adult forming. By photographing them frequently I have discovered that the bobble grows out like yellow strings from much higher up the neck than I expected - I had thought they would develop from the whitish area at the base of the throat. The strings then open out into two wispy white feathers which will presumably will fill out into the full bobble of the adult. I have managed to document the full process to date with almost daily photographs of their development.

Quite easy for me really as the feeding station is in view from my armchair.

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