Shrove Tuesday

Am blipping while waiting for the son to run round to the corner shop (which isn't on a corner) to buy flour, milk and eggs to make the pancakes - shows how organised I am atm.

The sunshine today was warm and beautiful, and noticed this crocus coming up in the garden - got rather wet photographing it.

In case anyone is like the writer in The Guardian today, who was going to make his pancakes "while wondering what this has to do with Jesus going to live in the desert", the answer is, "Nothing." Shrove is an old word for confessing and being absolved of your sins, so in theory, today is the day you confess the sins you committed during Carnival, and prepare for the fasting during Lent by clearing the house of rich foods like eggs, fat (as in Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday) and sugar - i.e. pancakes, in one final splurge.

I suppose the 40 days of Lent do reflect the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert... (And, btw, the 40 days do NOT include Sundays, so whatever you may have chosen to give up during Lent, the wisdom of our forefathers says that on Sundays, you get a break - much more likely to stick to it this way.)

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