Ash Wednesday Blipmeet

Ended up with six of us going to the Blippingvicar's church for the "imposition of ashes" service this morning - not being C of E, it's the first time I've participated in this, and thought it was a perfect way to begin Lent - thanks, Blipping Vicar! And his church was so beautiful with the sunlight splashing the stained glass colours over the walls.

As he said, possibly the strangest Blipmeet ever - weird to be addressed in the flesh as Loving Sutton; not really needing to introduce my family as he knew who they were from Blip photos; and Geoff presenting himself as Hamp5on's Dad. (I did take a photo of us all, but was out of focus, and too embarrassed to take another, especially as my battery ran out first time around, so here he is with our youngest.)

For Lent, am joining my son-in-law in attempting to read the entire Bible - should take less than an hour a day... 

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