
By krispit

Day 9 Whole 30

It's getting easier for sure! I don't mind always having to make food, you develop patterns and habits and it doesn't seem overwhelming anymore. I was concentrating hard on something at work and then I felt I needed to be eating something. I think some of these feelings and behaviors are tied to needing to be eating or orally fixating while I'm in the middle of feeling or doing certain things. It's like how I bite my nails. I almost need to in order to concentrate on something. Gotta find a a healthy replacement for that! That's why Kim said it helps to be doing something with your hands when sitting around or watching tv. Hmmmm. Overall, not as many cravings that are uncontrollable and I've cut down my snacking but it does still happen. I want to work on cutting that out completely. Good energy today and a happy disposition.

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