
By Madchickenwoman

Cloud Gods Talking!

Gorgeous sunset for a few minutes so my would have been Emergency Blip changed to this! I like it because the two dark clouds seem to be heads where they are meeting in the middle! I think they were catching up on the days rather odd weather they had bestowed upon us! Sunshine, hailstones and rainbows!
I spent the day catching up with my friend who although recovering from the radiotherapy, wasn't well enough to come away with us all. We caught up on each others news as we walked into the village with portly Lucy - her normal walker has a stomach virus. We also went to the Garden Centre to buy sand for Milly and Tilly's dust bath, on the same site we also visited the pet shop for mixed corn for the allotment girls, and food for the fish and locusts for Gunther from the Aquarium shop, where I also bought 3 algae eating fish for my tropical tank!
Interesting chat with fellow blipper Richard who celebrated his 7 th year blip today about  style vs habit  in photography- does a habit at some point develop into a style and if so what is the criteria or definitive point at which this occurs I wonder? Some peoples style is very obvious, and I don't mean simply in what they choose to photograph as in their  interest/subject i.e. wildlife, street. I think perhaps it's what permeates any photograph so you instantly know it's one of theirs - a certain mood, framing, lighting, processing? Answers/thoughts please!!!

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