Today's capture is a mixture of feelings!  Firstly, we went into Taunton this afternoon after our mornings viewing on the house, as Mr A had to collect his shoes from the cobblers, and I forgot to take my camera!  Shock horror I hear you gasp.  So as it was so cold on our return, I reverted to taking a blip from the top bathroom window, not a view you have seen before.

This is significant, I am glad I have captured the view, as the thatched cottage you see in the blip, has applied to build a huge house in his garden, so our view would be lost.  Naturally we have all complained to the Council but you know what they're like - nudge nudge, wink, wink!!!!!

Not only would it affect our house, it would also look like a carbuncle on the landscape, dominating all of Stogumber.  Selfishness to the extreme.  And besides if he couldn't sell his lovely house last year, how is he going to sell it with a massive house on the  hill right next to it.  I think the world is going mad.

The weather has been glorious, a real sense of Spring.  Oh long may it last, I hope.

Thankyou  for your kind comments on my 'sea fret' blip and hope your Sunday is wonderful!  xxxxx

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