Four Years Today...

Today was the 4th anniversary of the Christchurch's devastating earthquake. A day never to be forgotten by all who were in Christchurch on that day.

I had to take a few books back to the library so stopped of at the CTV site where 115 out of the 185 people lost their lives in the CTV building collapse.  Across the street is where the 185 Empty Chairs Earthquake Memorial is. Each chair had a Red Carnation today, in remembrance.

After visiting that site I went and visited the other site where the Pyne Gould building collapsed and kill some people. Both places had lovely flowers and messages. I got talking to two woman from CERA and they said I should have a look at the flowers where they held the Civic Memorial Service on the Archery Lawn at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens. When I got there the SummerTimes concert had just begun. I got some funny looks as I took a few photos.

We did get a little rain last night but not enough to do any good. Today has been dry but it is very gloomy.

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