Anything you can do..

windy, and showers again today, and much more wintry than recent days. Turned colder, and had some good snow showers with proper snow rather than hail balls. Didn't settle though..

Took this with my macro lens, but it was that windy, I could hardly stand up. The primrose was on quite a short stem, and this was the only shot that was anywhere near focused. And I clipped the petal of the bottom. Doh..

And you'll never guess what turned up in a TNT van at 3'o'clock!

Now to get properly busy! But not tomorrow morning, have the 50 mile round trip to the dentist again.. Some fillings this time, then another trip next week to have the crown fitted..

A talk at the camera club tonight by Croftcrafts. All about Glasgow, it's architecture and culture. Very interesting. Well done I.

My turn in a fortnights time about my work in Agricultural research.. That should bore the pants of them!!..

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