Bad Buzzard Behavior

On my way out to the gulf this morning, the buzzards were enjoying breakfast on the causeway.

I counted 23 buzzards, dining on 13 fish heads. Not great odds, but good odds. All the birds have to do is wait their turn, and be courteous.

These two didn't get the memo. While I have witnessed a lot of buzzard posturing, this was the first time I've seen it advance this far. With the feathers firmly in his mouth, the battling bird is getting ready to sink his talons into the side of the other bird. Yikes!

It was a vulture kind of day. Cold, windy, overcast, gloomy. Most birds were in hiding, but I did find a few.

I was really torn on what to post tonight. Just when I was ready to come home, a rough-looking fishing boat pulled into the dock, hauling 3 covered crates. On top of one of the crates was a starfish. I asked the captain if I could shoot the starfish. "Sure, you can...and I'll even show you what's in the crates."

They were filled with blue crabs, and such a heavenly blue. I think it might be my new favorite blue in nature. Have a look at the crabs on my Flickr page, along with some more buzzard shots. BUT...BE FOREWARNED, nasty fish head shots are on my other page. Ummmm...yummy.

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