The Birthday Surprise

62 years ago, at Riverside Hospital in Paducah, Kentucky...I was born into this world. After a couple years in Kentucky, we moved back to Michigan...where I've been ever since.

But, right now I'm in Bradenton, Florida. And, so is this statue of Hernado De Soto...the searcher of the fountain of youth.

I figured...what could it hurt...maybe some of the magic would rub off on me. So...right in front of many cars waiting in traffic, I approached the statue. And, rub I did. I rubbed the sword, I rubbed his feet, I rubbed his hand, I rubbed the helmet, and yes...I even rubbed the groin region.

IT WAS AMAZING!!! IT REALLY WORKED!! I felt like I was 35 again...maybe even 25. I put my camera down, and did 2 cartwheels, followed by 3 back flips. The cars honked, and one old lady yelled..."YOU GO GUY!!!"

An 11-12 year old kid was walking by. "Hey mister, what's got into you?"


"Excuse me Sir, but that statue is of De Soto. Ponce De Leon is the explorer that searched for the fountain of youth."


(Recovering from my gymnastics)...I know that I'm not a young

Although it was again dark and dreary today, I did manage to shoot a few bird pictures, along with a trio of daschunds. Have a look see here, and thanks to the many of you who have already wished me a happy birthday. The only good thing about being 62? The next national park I go to...I'm getting my $10 dollar lifetime pass. WOO-HOO!!

P.S. Thanks to my neighbor Faye for taking me out for a birthday lunch. We went to Sonny's BBQ, and it was delicious. And...she is a sweetheart.

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