Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Friday, February 27, 2015 -- Clouds

The weather reporters claim we're going to have rain, but I'm not so sure.

What we do have is a spectacular sky. Our day started sunny and then gradually the clouds formed into a bunch, the sun disappeared, a dark afternoon arrived, and then the end of the day arrived before these clouds had an opportunity to deposit rain on us.

So now it's completely dark -- it's night -- and we still have no rain. So I think this time the weather folks completely miscalculated. This is southern California and we just don't get rain, or at least that what lots of people maintain.

Today I started on the long laborious journey of getting our paperwork ready to visit our CPA to have our 2014 taxes prepared in mid-March. It was just a start. Tomorrow I need to do lots more preparing. 

That's it for this last Friday of February.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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