The wanderers return!

We led the walk this morning AND DIDN'T GET LOST! Plus we met some lovely people and enjoyed warm sunshine. Asha walked the entire 2 hours as well. Each week, the walk takes place somewhere different on the island, with everyone paying 5€ which goes towards a local charity...this week we made 100€ for our charity, 24-7 Ibiza
Met a couple of guys who have moved into an apartment just near ours (2 days ago!), went for a drink with them after the walk and got on well...looking forward to meeting up again! That's one of the best things about this group...not only getting to know the island better, but meeting new people too.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting so many lovely people...all interested in 24-7...all friendly...all wanted a business card!
2) Warm sunshine - felt like summer was on the way today!
3) Asha being such a help - hanging out washing, making juice, clearing away...what a little superstar.

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