More Cava...

Today was fiesta day, dia de les Illes Baleares...Nice for us as it meant Asha was off school! The highlight of the day was meeting up with the Claytons this afternoon to celebrate them living here for 4 years - Cava & cookies on the beach! Lovely to look back with them at the highs and lows of their time here, and to set the some (requested!) 'challenges' for their last 6 months...
Asha enjoyed collecting stones...we've since painted the ones she brought home - Abby has also requested one as a memory of today's celebration - Asha's taken the 'commission' very seriously! ;-)
There was something I liked about the sand around the bottom of my glass - almost like sugar around the edge of a cocktail - I also liked the way the blues travelled up the stem of the flute.

ALSO, Asha got bitten by a mozzie in the night, one so close to her eye it's now all swollen and bruised - not a great look for meeting her new teacher tomorrow!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Beautiful weather! We were out this morning; lovely to see all the cafés and bars full of people enjoying the day off, family, and the good weather!
2) Danny being able to be of use to a guy we know loosely from Sa Penya.
3) Asha coping well with the disappointment of not seeing her beloved Rudy tonight. 

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