Sheffield railway station

I would not have believed that driving through sleet and rain to Sheffield this morning would have mellowed into a beautiful lunchtime shot. I did try and do a contrast between two pics but it did not work so went with the more upbeat blip.

Day One Report:

I arived at work today slightly later than envisaged as I did not sleep well so decided to have an extra hour to ensure I had enough energy! Started with a telephone conference with our funders on this project and described to them our initial findings and was pleased to find it was well received. Also they are not looking for a fully finished product in the next week which also reduces the pressure.

Then I spent the rest of the day analysing our prisoner interviews with a target of completion by 5 pm. Completed 4.58! Bit tired but could drive home with a clear conscience and now to rest up for the evening.

It's started well!

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