Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Monday, March 2, 2015 -- Mom's Birthday

I have written numerous times in the past about my dysfunctional family. In most dictionaries next to the word "dysfunctional" there is a photo of my family, so today's entry will be another page in my chapter about our family. It started when my older sister, my only sister, who does not like our parents and has very bad memories of our father, our mother, and our stepdad, sent me the following sarcastic email. She loves to taunt me with the fact that she thinks we had terrible parents. I don't agree with her at all. I've told my sister several times in the past that she had different parents than I had, but actually, I think my sis just hangs on and has turned the bad memories into hatred. I think the "hatred" she now feels is part of the reason she is currently dealing with cancer in her body. She eats all the best health food, buys organic produce,  and purchases tons of all the vitamins and minerals she can find, but those things can't eliminate the poison of hatred. Today she is losing her battle with cancer and she is starting to panic.

Here is her email and below it my response.

"Hi Darlin,  I just looked at the calendar and saw the date. It's our Dear Sainted Mother's Birthday. She would have been 89 today. We would not be here without her contribution. I love you, AJ"

And here is my response to her.


I knew exactly what day it is when I woke-up this morning. I miss my mom every day of my life and celebrate her often. I've had the good fortune to live long enough to recognize that I've made as many or more mistakes in my parenting abilities as she did. Long ago I forgave her for the mistakes I thought she made. I find "forgiveness" to be as healthy as "laughter" so I like to lean into forgiveness whenever necessary, and it is not always easy to do. I've had one dad, one mom, two stepdads, more than a half dozen stepmoms and I choose to focus on the good memories of each of them. The prize jewel of all my relatives is Grammie Teele. I just wish I could remember which day was her birthday and which was Nanny's. I know they were one day apart.

We also learned 27 years ago today that we were going to be grandparents. That makes me feel old!  Deed & John told us the news on the evening of March 2, 1988. Six months and 17 days later we were meeting a baby granddaughter, Ashly Nicole. She has been an absolute joy and delight.

Love you, Carol"

If anyone reads this, I'm sure he or she (you) may wonder why I've included this email communication on my blip page. This journal is where I keep/save, my life. It is the sole reason I started and have continued for 6+ years doing a daily blip.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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