
By littlesedz

My first Christmas!

Today is Christmas Day!!
This morning Mummy and Daddy took me downstairs and when we looked through the living room door there were lots and lots of presents under the tree - Father Christmas had been!! We had some breakfast then sat down to open the presents. We've all been very spoilt!
This morning we went to Nannie and Gramps house, Father Christmas had visited there too! We had a lovely morning with Nannie and Gramps, Uncle Sam and Uncle Joe and I opened more presents.
Mummy and Daddy then took me to Grandma and Grandad's house. I had a little nap and then opened yet more presents with Uncle Martin's help!
Great Auntie Nen and Great Auntie Ruth came for Christmas Dinner. I sat in my highchair with some carrots in my nibbler whilst everyone was eating their lunch.
After another nap (all this excitement is very tiring!) I had Grandad's Christmas Dinner for my tea. Grandad has been very excited about making my first Christmas dinner for me, and was very glad that I liked it!
This evening, after lots and lots of playing with all my new toys, I got ready for bed. Me, Mummy and Daddy are staying at Grandma and Grandad's house tonight - my first sleepover!

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