
By littlesedz

Boxing Day

This morning I woke up when Daddy went out to work (I'm not used to us all being in the same room!) but Mummy managed to get me back to sleep for a bit, then we both went downstairs to get some breakfast for me.
Mummy, Grandma, Grandad and Uncle Martin had a raclette breakfast with some Buck's Fizz later when everyone was up.
I spent the morning playing with my new toys at Grandma and Grandad's house, then Grandad took me and Mummy to Nannie and Gramp's house where we met Daddy for tea after he finished work.
Auntie Lauren introduced me to her Christmas present from Uncle Sam this evening a very cute little hamster called Nala (although I was already in on the secret!)
This evening Mummy and Daddy brought me home to bed, it's been a busy and exciting few days!

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