Porty Beach with Nana

Took a trip to see Nana today in Portobello. She wanted me to give her a hand clearing out her wardrobe. Really it was a ploy to get me to clear out loadsa other crap too, but we did have a hoot. She even let me keep my Grandad's original Canon super 8 film camera! AWESOMENESS! It still works and I have found out I can get film for it #feellikeSpeilberg!

We also found a massive box of 40 yrs worth of correspondance, including my Dad's school reports and postcards home from when he joined the Navy. Will need to go through them all properly one day but it was a laugh.

We then decided after my Nana's online tesco's order arrived (thats right she orders online at 84yrs old) to hit the beach for some sunshine and lunch! It was a glorious day.When I dropped her home she went and hung out with her new neighbour in the garden for some more sun....she did tell me today she was a ticking time bomb...it was funny and meant as a joke; however it does make me love days like this with her. x

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