Words Fail Me

I was just driving along, heading home, and there it was -- a spectacular sunset.  One slight detour to a parking spot by the bay and I caught it, along with a whole lot of other people with cameras.  Ten minutes later it was gone and I was home.  You have to work fast to get these things which is not always easy to do after work.  Fridays are supposed to be slower days than the rest of the week, but that is rarely the way it turns out so by the end of the day today I wasn't moving too fast.  There always seems to be some crisis that shows up about 3:00. When I finally got the majority of the problems solved I shut the office up and went to the gym for about an hour then came home and crashed with a movie, "The Jersey Boys", which I really, really enjoyed.  I should have cleaned the house but as Scarlett said, tomorrow is another day.     

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