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By pplnani

How Green is Your Car?

I spotted this in a car park while I was out and about this made me laugh, so I thought you might like it too ;-))

The MiL saga rumbles on.....she was discharged from hospital on Friday even though she was clearly not 'with it' at all. She is saying some very strange things but has lucid times too and was obviously assessed for discharge during one of these times. She is refusing all outside help for care and putting a lot of pressure on her neighbour ( who is even older than she is) and her niece who lives fairly near......I get the strong impression that these people are not really willing to take on extra care duties but don't want to tell her :-/
When the elderly neighbour went in to check on her this morning, she found MiL's flat was empty, she contacted the niece who, fearing that she might have gone walkabout in her confused state, phoned the police, who called back shortly afterwards and said she was in A and E.
Our phone hasn't stopped ringing since early this morning as different relatives try to sort out what is going on ( that's why I escaped the mad house and when out.....there wasn't anything useful I could do anyway). It turns out that she had another fall in the night and actually pressed her emergency button this time (first time ever!!) and was collected by an ambulance which took her to hospital.
The phone is a bit quieter now as we all wait for more news.........not the best day I've ever had :-(
It's a real worry being so far away and having to do everything by phone......I just hope they can get to the root of her problem this time and not just send her home again.

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