twinned with trumpton


Win Yourself a Cheap Tray

Came in late (or early, depending), tried to watch some TV but failed and was up and awake at 0830; the need to work was high, the desire to work not quite so high.

But work I did; and productive, mostly.

The usual stop / start, partly out of necessity with the jerky jarring nature of the current IT set up, partly cos I had stuff to do in the moments when it did stick.

Much needed coffee, tremendous BLT, and eventually got 5 hours in which took me to mid afternoon.

The grey of today did not evaporate like the grey of yesterday, but still I ventured out; I wanted to walk, but eventually opted for the bike and figured if I covered the dull miles on wheels, I could chain up the bike and then wander when I got there.

'There' was McDonald Road-ish. on Cigs quest for my other blip site. I pottered around and spotted plenty; and it's not massively off my commute home, so for days I am in the office, it's fairly easy to detour and snap the tags either going to or from work.

It's useful to have the back up ones, but I'm sure I'll find plenty in the weeks to come.

And in a quiet lane off McDonald Road, I got a sneak peak into Kwik Fit; the open door offering the merest tantalising glimpse inside. The front door shut, so presumably a bit of OT going on.

Mostly whilst out, it was - acceptable. But after a while, the smir of rain, barely motes of water suspended in the air that just sent a bit of a chill through me, made me turn for home. Passed the allotment, a reminder I need some warmth to set to with that.

And home, to a list of things to cook.

This week - Spanish bean stew (done)
-sea bass with puy lentil salsa

-Tuna steaks with pear / fennel / watercress /sunflower seed salad; possibly sauté potatoes, too?

-Lamb, anchovy and red pepper meatballs with tomato cous cous and char grilled aubergine / courgette.

And packed for work tomorrow - Office days back to back is odd, especially if there's a weekend in between....!

But a quiet evening in, I have Shame to watch or maybe read.....

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