
By SueV

Hartside or Bust

Been a fabulous day with lots of sun, frogs croaking in the pond and a cat stuck up a tree in our garden. A young cat that I have only seen once or twice before obviously thought it a good idea  to get to the top of the weeping Silver Birch because that's where all the birds go. Poor little thing didn't bank on being dive-bombed  by a bunch of rooks - after all it is their territory. It was like a scene from that film where the giant Gorilla sits on top of the Empire State building swatting the planes while they try to knock him off. Little puss was very uncomfortable and nearly came  a cropper more than once.
I digress - this is part of the coast to coast cycle route and at this point (where you are knackered anyway) you can either continue up the tortuous winding road to Hartside top and a very welcoming (if not shut) cafe, or you can opt for a change, if you are feeling sprightly, and nip up there via the public Bridleway which is not as tame as it sounds.. However when you get to the top there is a large car park in which you can lie spreadeagled on the floor (crying if the cafe is shut)

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