Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Is this a golfer I see before me????....

So, today, to be perfectly honest, I did absolutely sod all, nothing, zilch.....there aint no denying it, or trying to make things and Im not making any bones about
Scott came home at 7pm after another day in Glasgow, and we spent the evening outside in the back garden with murphy...I nearly added a photo of murph chasing Scott around the garden, but thought it more than my life is also decided to hit a few golf balls......he played off a 2 handicap at the age of 15, but decided he would rather do music, than turn pro in golf as a but even though some may question his route, he is a highly successful and sought after Pianist, so I believe his choice was the right one!!!!

Anyway, so after taking this photo, "I got to thinking"....

Scott is a professional pianist, but in this photo, you would never guess......

So, what other things do we experience, that actually turn out to be something they are not...???.....
1...My lovely really is a very petite lovely looking instrument.....God knows, it actually is possessed by the devil!!!!!
2...Fig Rolls....Really, need I say any more????....except the centre!!!!
3...Medicine...Wow, what lovely colours it comes in...a pity it all tastes absolutely awful!!!!!.... medicine....although, with the added hangover!!!!!!...
5...Credit cards...they promise you hassle free spending etc.....Then they slap you in the face witGrowing uph the interest!!!...
6...Junk Food.....even the name sounds delicious....yeah, minus the calories and weight gain I wish!!!!
7...Growing up and having a crush on the sweetest boy.....yeah right, he's gonna break your heart....!!!!
8...Sleek lovely petite god, they can drive like the wind...
9...A tiny thing like an I- phone...who was to know it actually would turn out to be a computer, a diary, a sat-nav, a everything you ever wanted, should you never want a life or privacy again...
10...A smile 15 years ago....What more can I say, but that I love that man whether he be a Golfer, a Pianist or a bum.....he'll always be my bum.....

"You're everything I never knew I always wanted

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