Ease the pain

3 blue ones and a two tone one for good measure.

12 hour working day. No time to eat from 7.15 this morning until emergency biscuits at 1.15 and then a sausage butty at 5.00pm. 2 lessons, lunch duty, 2 meetings, gate duty, another meeting, 45 minutes respite, Governor training, some emergency photocopying....

At least I have a job. I feel so anxious for the team that we have come to call by the collective noun of BlipCentral.

Stand together and come out of the other side ... Stronger, wiser and together still. Thats what I hope for.

I do not want to lose the humanity and community that we all belong to - you have been such a massive support through my own personal issues. That is too precious to think it might be lost.

Are we grieving?

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