bucks life

By bucksmiss


Well it's been another full day.

It started rather stressfully with a frustrating meeting with the trainee, who just doesn't seem to have any drive for the job or even to simply be 'with it' and just seems to expect to be spoon fed. That really wound me up If that wasn't enough everything then started piling in at 1pm when I was due to leave at 12.30 to meet a friend 40 minutes away for lunch. Sod's law of course. I got a bit ratty but got away half an hour late and all was well.

S and I had a really pleasant cuppa in a quaint cafe in Market Harborough and it was good to see her on a week day. We had quite a giggle at one point when it seemed as though she was summoning up the spirits when trying to recall a relayed message from the door people, via her husband the timber importer, to me (you had to be there).

As I had a bit of time to kill once she'd gone back to work, I had a bite to eat in Zizzis and caught up on the blip news and then moved on to the head shrink for a good, motivating session.

On my way home I called in to Stanwick to collect my amazing new hand made bedroom curtains, which are looking fabulous and the cushions to go with them are beautiful too. The others ought to be ready next Wednesday. Exciting times.

Then I got the call to say that J (my lodger's son) has been offered an apprenticeship next year so I may well get a third lodger come September. That said, his Mum may now be persuaded to move to the area so I may actually lose a lodger instead. Watch this space. Their whole family is on cloud nine and they suddenly have a whole load of new options to consider.

It's already getting on so it won't be long before I go to bed...

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