A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

If in doubt shoot the dog

You nearly got my new haircut but two selfies in two days would be dangerously close to a theme.

And anyway she can be distracting from me moaning about my rubbish day.

A very early and pretty grim start. J is still suffering from something (I no longer have the slightest clue what to call anything) but he is in a lot of pain and generally exhausted so no chance of school. Or sleep. Work thing hanging over me as it looks like going tits up (not sure why exactly this is so bad) and I will be in the firing line despite everyone acknowledging their slackness. So that's something to look forward to next week.

You may have gathered but I am not at my best when I am chronically underslept. Though I'm not sure how much is that and how much is the constant low level anxiety about J which has now become the norm even though deep down I do believe he will make a full recovery. It's just going on for so much longer than we could ever have thought and the end doesn't seem to be quite in sight. Well worse in a way as we keep thinking it is and then it evaporates all mirage like.

This weekend I have a treat which I hope will help - our annual girls' [sic] weekend away. This year some of us are going to Bath and some are going to Barth. Either way it should provide just the light relief needed. There have been a few times this week when I thought I just wouldn't be able to face it but I have been persuaded it will do me good and I think that might be so. (Many of the tripees may be reading this, so a note to them not to worry - I'll get all my misery and moaning out of the way here.)

There have been some cheery points and not just the haircut. J gave me a motivational talk this morning based on a talk on happiness he had heard on the radio which was highly entertaining and oddly helpful. We had a not too humiliating game of Trials Fusion. Anna has done her joyful best to up the happy, cheery quotient around here no end and Abi has worked out how to get treats out of a plastic bottle which was both entertaining and pleasing. And tonight we are both in and can catch up with each other and some more House of Cards and with my new haircut (did I mention that) I can stop watching it with Clare hair envy and focus on the plot.

At least the day is ending better than where it started and without anyone getting shot. So that's good then.

If you read to here then I can only hope you at least have a nice glass of something in your hand and thank you for your indulgence.

Lesley x

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