A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The recovery

Finally he's better. And just in time to be in his school performance tomorrow. So the only picture I've taken today was to show him how his costume looks. I must remember to tell my kids about mirrors one day.

Worked. Went for a health assessment and for the first time ever got told my percentage body fat. Not the optimum time for that - I recommend doing it around 21, not 41. But apparently it's better to know than not. Hmmm.

Met a friend for lunch.

After school stuff.

Some very exciting work shenanigans which seems to have landed me a new project to work on which is both incredibly interesting and just happens to be in Brooklyn. A bit of a brainache but just focused on happy and excited for now.

Interviewed another potential interim manny who I think we are going to go with so that's quite a relief.

Then a small but perfectly formed book group.

And now sleep.

Lesley x

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