Partial Solar Eclipse

When I arranged to have a Blipmeet with Tiggy this morning, I completely forgot about the partial solar eclipse. I managed before leaving home to get the beginnings of it with the pinhole method on white paper, but the best view was actually through hazy cloud without any aids while I was on the bus approaching Portobello.

As Tiggy remarked it is quite primeval to have the sun obscured and twilight descending in day time. It certainly put mankind into context within the might of the universe.

With daylight and intermittent sunshine restored, it was a springlike meet up in the Beach House and a catch up on affairs of state.
We were joined partway through by the newest Porty resident in the shape of daughter #3, fresh from a beach run and the gym. She cannot believe her good luck with the facilities right outside her door after all those years in the contrasting culture of Muscat.

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