The One

Sandend Bay is a magnet for surfers of all abilities. I cannot begin to add up the minutes His Lordship and I have wasted on our sojourns here standing with cameras at the ready waiting for just one of them to pick THE wave and perform for us.

This morning as we were leaving the cottage to hike up to the road end and catch the bus to Cullen, this surfer caught his wave and gave me my blip.

The trusty 35 bus was not at all trusty this morning, and failed to materialise. This happened the last Sunday morning we were here in November, but this time the tour leader. ..(me) had a taxi number to call, and at £5:00 more than the free bus pass, took us to the door of the Rockpool café in Cullen for our Sabbath indulgence of toast.

Thus fortified we took a dander in the woods of Cullen house where the air was full of the cry of rooks as they guarded their nests high up in the trees above us. But it was cold without the sun and after doing our food shopping it was back on the bus, which did materialise this time, to read all about it in the Sunday papers.

There is the intention of a walk round the village later and a commune with nature at the harbour - it seems that we can never get enough wave watching, but first things first.

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