Chugger 1907

Chugger - Licensed charity muggers 

Have to say if they were all as pretty and well presented as this young lady, I would be inclined to stop rather than just walk by.

She appears to be connected to the Bute Hospital, to my klnopwledge, Luton's first hospital which opened in 1872 and was a modest cottage hospital built on land donated by the Marquis of Bute. In 1902 the site was enlarged to a 40-bed establishment. This young lady is standing on the corner of Bute Street and George Street which is not as it happens where the hospital was located. Just happens to be a good spot for chugging I guess :-)

More kitchen installation today. Bashed my knee playing racket ball last night. Hopefully this doesn't aggravate it. Already pretty painful.

And finally, a great link to some historical photographs that I spotted on projct365

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