What Ewe looking at ?

It had been a rather cloudy and damp start to the day but I wanted to try out my new camera again so we headed to Rosemarkie to see the state of the tide. It was on it's way out but must have been really high earlier as sand was covering the footpath. A red shank was close to the edge so managed to get a few photos of him.
Over to Udale Bay and plenty of ducks around including teal, wigeon and Mallard. In fact there were four male mallards in the grassy area by the carpark poking about in the water left by the tide. No sighting of the Osprey yet but there was a very handsome male merganser with his tufty hairdo.The highlight for me was seeing two lapwings displaying. A wonderful sight and sound as they twisted in the air.
After Mike washed the car we drove back passing the sheep we had seen on the way so I hopped out and managed to get a few shots I was pleased with. There seemed to be several breeds in the same field including, what I think are, Epynt Hardy Speckled Sheep (the ones with the brown speckled faces ) and Scottish Blackface .
About to watch a film so signing off now, I'll catch up soon :)

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