
By Houseonahill6

Baby it's cold outside

We had large flakes of snow falling down last night and this morning it had frozen solid. It was impossible to get to the feeder to fill it up after it had been almost completely emptied yesterday so I had to scatter some peanuts and seed from the window. The pheasant was quick on the up take and helped himself to quite a few peanuts.
The mountains looked spectacular covered in snow and it was one of those crisp, bright mornings. By lunchtime all the ice had cleared and we had several icy downpours. I did manage to get abit more garden waste into the brown bin but still more to put in before they come on Wednesday. Think the wind must have blown in more leaves from the field.
I can hear a blackbird singing it's night time song and the temperature is dropping quickly, going to be a cold one again.

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