
By Munroist4113

Mont Blanc

A glorious sunny day. We headed up to Mont de la Chambre, 2850m, from where I took this blip looming towards Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe. We did not head down the red shown to Metibel as the weather has been so hot, and Meribel is low, so the snow would be mush. We went the other way, to Val Thorens, which is a high resort at 2300m. I was rubbish getting down the steep parts on the hard-packed scraped icy bits and got is such a state of fear I needed a little sit down to calm myself. After that we did some nice cruising blues starting at about 3000m so the snow was lovely. We skied home early through the mush so that Mr C could go whizzing on his own. (Though my skis are so good I can pass him - on the easy bits he reminds me!)

Not sure if this will post, and apologies for missing your blips this week. The wifi is not strong and was off for 24 hours.

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