Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The clematis life

Another clematis today, because I didn't have time off for good behaviour and it seems to be that time of year. But I took a punt at something different - a bit of an oddment and an afterthought - with the idea that you can't go on taking the same thing in the same way every time. So here is Josephine, just coming into flower, surrounded by a bit of leaf, some rather dead looking twigs and the seedheads of an earlier clematis behind - a sort of clemmy life cycle.

I'm not sure I shouldn't have put up something more conventional, but I did love the (I thought) rather abstract and painterly quality of this muddle of shapes and colours. I think I need some help from the artists amongst you!!

Still enjoying the sunshine and wishing I could be out in in more but work is frantic. Tomorrow I shall try to get up early to snatch a bit more blip time. Hope you're all good..

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