
By Madchickenwoman

All Fur Coat and No Knickers!

Whilst clearing up on the chicken plot this am and moving logs and a bit of old carpet I discovered these two strange creatures, each about 15cm long. I quickly covered them up and grabbed my camera and managed to get a shot of each before the chickens could shove their beaks at them and my battery died! As far as I'm aware they are still there - didn't like to disturb them for the second time on putting the girls to bed!
As soon as I got home I gave Lucy a quick walk in the rain and cut back the dead Japonica's in my front garden. Then off to Tavistock with friend to recycle 5 bags of plastic containers, which Devon will recycle  but Cornwall won't!! Quick shop in the Quirky Second hand and  Hand  Made shop and as I was trying on a dress with yes, you guessed it, red roses on, I spotted a faux fur shrug/jacket with a red, black, grey, yellow, cream silk lining! Divine! And now mine! Despite saying I would wear it immediately the shopkeeper proceeded to find a bag - so I said again not to bother as I was going to wear it. She looked askance at me and said she thought I was joking! Me? Joke about clothes? So on it went and she exclaimed in surprise that I had obvious style because although she would have said it was an evening item I made it work! Music to my very vain ears! 
So homewards we then went, with my friend exclaiming it was like driving with the queen with me in my faux fur - which reminded me of the saying "All fur coat and no knickers"! 
Once home I researched the location of a special, "spiritual" place me and friend plan to go to. Dentist phoned to say it could be well over a week before I heard anything from them, as the dentist had to consult with the anaesthetist. Friend had been phoned to say they had not had all her test results so her case had not been discussed and wouldn't be till next thursday. She is getting anxious as the cancer is in her liver and this has had nothing done to it since the first and only dose of chemo. Plus she doesn't know how the radiotherapy has worked on her bowel cancer, nor is she clear about what the surgery will entail re possibility of colostomy bag. All very nerve wracking and puts my worry over the dentist into perspective. So we are going to find an age old sacred place near Tintagel and hope it calms our nerves - or at the very least I get a good blip!!!
Anyhow - I did a google search on the two strange creatures and came up with the Common Lizard! Now since I have never seen one before I don't believe they are that common - unlike me in my faux fur coat!!!! Hence the title of this blip!!!!! Ha! 

P.S. Many thanks for all your sharing and advice on yesterdays blip - this and the cathartic nature of writing my fears out, has meant today I have been uber Mindful! If the thought of dental work  came into my head I acknowledged its presence then sent it on its way!! Plus I kept busy so there was no time for indulgent worrying! 

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