Bring on The Dove ('s)

I have never seen a Dove but for some reason they seem to be associated with peace and stuff. This has got to be good as I now smell strongly of Dove. Oh…Not the bird… the stuff in a bottle that The Boss washes his hair…YES I believe he still has some…with. Oh and also ME.
The Bossess recorded this adventure but The Boss, Bless him, decided it was not the most complimentary pic of me and vetoed it’s publication. “My Hero”  Sigh…
So now we have something entirely new…A Wheaten Terrier with Peaceful Intentions…well smell wise that is. Oh and The Musicians (dark band) of yesterdays adventure are all gone too. 
After the adventure, which involved The Boss in his oldest jeans and tramping boots, we went lakeside for a sorta “final rinse” altho I was well rinsed before but this involved sticks so was a heap more fun and enabled The Boss to get his Blip fruitphoned.

All in all a satisfactory day with The Bossess reaching new angular heights as well.

Oh… And she thanks you all for your kind wishes too.

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