Boarding The Clutha

Just when you think the “Sports” folk have run out of adventurous ideas they come up with a new one.
These blokes and blokessess are about to hop on their boards and go down the Clutha river. This is the outlet of Lake Wanaka and we spotted this action on our reverse “Sticky Forest” walk today.  Wait! Just to be clear on this, we did not walk the whole way backwards. I mean to bark that would have looked silly and the no one we passed may have thought that a Bloke and a dog walking backwards when Christmas was not even in sight was odd indeed. No we just started at the end and ended at the start.  Anyway as we broke out of the forest rather than breaking in to it which would have required us to look behind us to have seen this, we saw this. Do you think you can get shampoo poisoning? I am really struggling to get my curls around this tonight.
There is a bit of wocky wapids downstream so you would not see me doing this. Especially as there does not seem to be any sticks involved and Elmer Fudd was not pursuing Waskley Wabbits either altho there are a lot of them to pursue here. I am not allowed to pursue them either and generally I don’t “Cos there are treats available for not running off.

The Boss wants to kno is there anybody out there who has no idea who Elmer Fudd is?
Right then…Old dogs etc


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