Winter's Edge

I was really disappointed today as this Blip was actually in the garden just a quiet bark away from my grub dish but I still got a lead Blat (which is not really a Blat at all) while The Bossess visited “The House of Pain” at The Vets.
Unfortunately she is getting better at getting in and out of Suzz and The Boss is worried that his days as Chief Chaffer (opps spelling) may be numbered.
He was also deeply involved today in spelling as he is doing the monthly presentation at SeniorNet on Thursday which is including “Hands free texting” which will be great for those members with shaky fingers and involves some lovely lady called Siri that he has been having a lot of intimate conversations with. Should I bark The Bossess? Maybe she should be aware that he is involved with a quick brown foxy person who is a jumper…I need to get closer to report this properly…Right.

Hey well done on Elmer F . Here’s the weal twing Wabbit

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