.....................Cup semi-final.........

No time to blip this weekend........up at Dad's sorting out..........all day Saturday and most of Sunday............it's amazing how much material is amassed over a life time.

Home on Sunday evening......all three of us totally exhausted...........and all back to work Monday morning.

Tonight was the semi-final of the Quiz Knock out Cup.

We played arch rivals and this year's League champs.........the Cricket Club...the handicap gave us a 5 point start.......but they had between us twice in regular season.......which went a long way to ensuring they became champs and we ended up third!

Starting points 5-0
Round 1 We lost 5-7
Running total 10-7
Round 2 Won 8-5
Running total 18-12
Round 3 Lost 6-7
Running total 24-19
Round 4 Lost 2-4
Half time total 26-23
Round 5 Won 7-4
Running total 33-27
Round 6 Drew 10-10
Running total 43-37
Round 7 won 10-4
Running total 53-41
Final round Drew 2-2
Final score 55-43

We won by 12 points........we won the quiz by 7 points....we didn't need the handicap!
Rounds 2 and 7 are the individual questions round.....that's where we won the quiz. ....the two rounds P picked up 4 points, T also got 4, B got 5 and I got 5.......18 points.....the CC made 9.

In the final we play the Dungeon Inn.......and we have to give them a 13 point start!............it will be a tough ask for us to win it.........but I'm feeling positive.

Some for you to try.
1.Which constellation is the only one to have five stars greater than the 2nd magnitude?
2. In the Old Testament what is the personal name of God?
3. Prince Leoplold who became the first King of the Belgians was the son in law of which British monarch?
4. Which singer refers to herself as Mother Monster?
5. Which actor, who will be 85 in August this year, had a singing part in Darby O'Gill and the Little People?
6. Which Handley-Page aircraft was used to refuel Vulcan Bombers on their flight to Port Stanley during the Falklands War?
7. Published in 2003 "Snowball's Chance" is a parody of which famous novell?
8. Jonas Salk said "There is no patent. Could you patent the Sun?"
about which of his discoveries/inventions?
9. Katarina Witt won figure skating Olympic gold in 1984 and 1988 representing which country?
10. Representing the Netherlands which skater won gold at the 1928. 1932 and 1936 Olympics?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Sports fans and film buffs might like to have a look at my back blip for March 28th.

1. Orion
2. Yaweh
3. William IV
4. Lady Gaga
5, Sean Connery
6. Victor
7.Animal Farm
8. Polio vaccine
9. East Germany
10. Sonja Henie

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