The Harbour Workshop

Down by the harbour is this curious little place with its unusually shaped doorway. I think it may have been the harbourmasters office long ago in the days of sail but with a new office on the end of the block the old place is now a toolshed. Sometimes running repairs on small craft are carried out here but it has seen better days. Still, it makes for an interesting blip.

Great evening since I came home. Had to make a few prints to bring to the camera club who have asked me to drop in tonight. One by one the inks ran out. Four out of the set of eight, so between nozzle cleaning and test prints, I have been going around in circles.

Then the vacuun cleaner broke down. Off to fix that now, then away with me to the club. I will be lucky if I get any commenting done tonight. If not, well, I'll be back tomorrow.

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