Knitting Mad!

My sister always has several things to make on the go, and always brings some of them with her to keep herself entertained as she waits for me to get ready to get up/go out / stop playing with chickens!  This visit it is knitting, and she bought the materials to knit two things delivered to my address this time! So she is making a shawl and a pair of socks! Apparently sock making is all the rage and she vowed she'd never make them - until she saw the pretty wool! By the end of her stay i anticipate the socks and possibly the shawl will be made!
As she needed a bigger circular needle I went hunting for my selection and discovered a huge fabulous multicoloured ball of wool - shame I have no idea what I was going to make with it! I did discover the wool and shawl pattern I bought 2 years ago at the Bovey Tracey Contemporary craft fair, so it may actually get started! It is made of the softest peruvian alpaca and silk dark grey wool!I even bought the shawl pin at the same stall, which has remained in its pretty bag ever since! My sister and i share the same trait of being inspired to make things, but I also have a trait of never completing ( starting) them! I think I need to allocate a certain amount of time each day, or even a day of the week on which to do one of the various projects I have acquired the materials for. I have a vast selection of ways to make chickens! I could have a sewing, a felting , knitting, needlepoint, painting, and an allotment day!!! It is always of course a chicken day!!
It was a wet day today so she knitted, I let the chickens in and out, in and out, in and out......of the coop.  They even ventured into the kitchen, led by Pip! She is such a character - also found her way into the bamboo pot! I also  made lunch and even got to do a fair amount of blip catch up! But sadly no photography today - hence the knitting blip! 

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