Hitching a ride

After waking up too early on a day off, I went out this morning to run an errand and on the way home I stopped at the artificial island where the swans have their nest. While I was waiting to get a glimpse at their 9 eggs, I managed to take some photos of a female Mallard with 14 ducklings and of the pair of Great Crested Grebes who have at least 2 young. There is such a thing as having too much choice and I probably should have chosen another subject after already posting a Grebe shot yesterday, but I eventually decided to pick one for today's entry as well as they are my favourite waterbirds.

I hope everyone has had a good Easter. It has been my first without mum and I was glad that I had my rabbit Rosie to help me get through it.

Many thanks for all the comments, stars and heart on yesterday's Great Crested Grebe blip. They are very much appreciated.

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